Stefan Heyer grew up on the left bank of the Lower Rhine. After graduating from high school and doing community service, he studied German and philosophy in Munich. In 1994 he obtained the academic degree of Magister Artium from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. In 2000 he received his doctorate from the University of Essen with Manfred Schneider for a thesis on the art concept of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. Second supervisor was Joseph Vogl. The dissertation “Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's concept of art. A guide through a thousand plateaus” was published in 2001 by Passagen Verlag, Vienna.
Together with the bookstore Amalienstraße 71 he organized and curated various lecture series, among others on the topics of postmodernism, memory, body, love.
Heyer writes short prose and poetry. Numerous texts have appeared in literary magazines and literary portals, e.g. in "Mosaik", "Poesiealbum neu", "Fixpoetry", "Podium", "Signaturen-Magazin", "neolith", "Die Rampe", "AusAusrisser - Grazer Wandzeitung", "Sylste", "drafts", "Prologue - Drawings and Texts" etc. The poem "In Praise of Laziness" was filmed in 2017 by Joachim Hofmann.
In 2019 his poetry debut "Resonances/Correspondences" was published at Passagen Verlag, Vienna. The collection of poems “Black Coffee on the Tired Tongue” was published by Epubli Verlag in 2021.
Stefan Heyer lives with his family in Augsburg.